Volunteer of the Month- May 2016: Bharat

Volunteer of the month - May 2016

1. What is your background (profession/ workplace/ training)?

I work as a doctor at Monash Health


2. What inspired you to become a Water Well volunteer?

I saw that The Water Well Project fulfills a specific niche in promoting health for asylum seekers, refugees, and new migrant groups. I also recognised that these groups are at the highest risk for otherwise preventable diseases and also the most under-serviced. Working with The Water Well Project meant I could use my skills to make an effective difference for some of the state's most vulnerable people.


3. Please share one of your favourite Water Well sessions or moments.

My favourite memory is from a mental health and wellbeing session I ran with Dr Helen McDougall in Dandenong last year. We were working with a group undergoing training to become health champions for their community. We had a lot of fun brainstorming mindfulness activities and meditating. Helen and I were even gifted aprons, which I still use.


4. What tips do you have for new volunteers?

Try getting into the shoes of the people you're working with and having open conversations with them. Health is a dialogue. Surprisingly, through sessions I've learnt as much about my own cultural identity as I have about other communities.