50 Health Sessions for 2013

by The Water Well Project

The Water Well Project 50 health sessions in 2013What better way to start the new year than to celebrate the success of 2013.

At the start of 2013, our Steering Committee set the goal of running 50 health education sessions with refugee and migrant communities.  It was an exciting goal and, to be honest with you, like all big goals when we first set it we were not sure how we would achieve it.

I’m thrilled to say on Dec 16th we ran our 50th session for the year. We couldn't have done this without your tremendous support.

Here are some of the statistics behind how we feel we've made a difference:

  • Run 50 health sessions across the health topics of Healthy Eating, Nutrition, Mental Health, Diabetes, Women’s Health, Children’s Health and many others…
  • Had over 400 community attendees at our sessions
  • Had over 500 registrations for our members only website
  • Inducted 100 health professional volunteers at our 2 Induction Sessions in June and
  • Had 74 volunteer health professionals facilitate health sessions
  • Had 62 feedback surveys completed by our volunteer facilitators
  • Successfully awarded four grants from the Ross Trust, the City of Melbourne, Spectrum Seeds for Growth and AMA Victoria

Our aim is to create a lasting positive benefit for the people who attend our health information sessions, as well as the volunteer health professionals that run the sessions.

A big thanks also to our support organisations –the Victorian Refugee Health Network, Foundation House, Translating Interpreting Service, Brotherhood of St Laurence, Spectrum Migrant Resource Centre, the Global Ideas Forum, New Hope Foundation, Mackillop Family Services, Wesley Mission Victoria, South Eastern Melbourne Medicare Locals, Ethnic Communities’ Council of Victoria, Refugee Council of Australia and The Social Studio. We look forward to continuing to work with you all and look forward to many more exciting collaborations in the 2014.

Through small actions we can all make a difference in our communities.

Thank you once again for your support.
Wishing you a safe and happy holiday season and New Year.

The Water Well Project Steering Committee