Pines Learning Inc- EAL Class- Extreme Weather, Disasters and Health

Pines Learning Inc- EAL Class- Extreme Weather, Disasters and Health


Session Date: 25 Mar 2024
Session Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

About This Event

This is a face-to-face session to be held in Doncaster East, Victoria

Topic: Extreme Weather, Disasters and Your Health

The impacts of climate change are already negatively impacting health, and are disproportionately affecting migrant, refugee and asylum seeker communities. In this session, we discuss a range of health impacts of climate change related to air pollution from bushfires; longer and more severe pollen seasons; severe storms, extreme rainfall and flooding; and infectious diseases. Participants will learn practical strategies to plan and prepare for emergencies which will strengthen their resilience against negative climate-related health impacts, improving health outcomes for themselves, their families and their communities. Other topics in this series look at heatwaves and health, sun safety, mosquito-borne diseases, and asthma impacts of climate change

Address: 1/520 Blackburn Road Doncaster East 3109


This session capacity is 2 Volunteers from The Water Well Project.
There are currently 2 available places open to Volunteers.

Book My Place (2 spot(s) left)

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