Volunteer of the Month – October 2021: Michelle

1. What is your background (profession/ workplace/ training)?

I am currently working as an Obstetrics and Gynaecology Senior Resident Medical Officer in south-eastern Sydney.

2. What inspired you to become a volunteer with The Water Well Project?

My senior colleague recommended me this amazing volunteering opportunity! Being a first-generation migrant myself, I would love to help people who are going through the difficult transition period when they first migrated to Australia, by promoting preventative medicine and how to stay safe during this pandemic.

3. Please share one of your favourite The Water Well Project sessions or moments.

I recently hosted an exercise session which initially I anticipated people might find the topic boring or think exercise is just common sense. In fact, all participants were very engaged, shared a lot of stories and really appreciated the session!

4. What tips do you have for new volunteers?

Remember to have a chat with your other volunteer before running the session together to have a semi-structured plan of how to run the session together.